For over 25 years Trackside have been the premium manufacturers and suppliers of a wide range of reproduction railway related signs, ranging from full size running in boards, metal totems, targets and platform signs, to miniature totems, targets and shed plates on self adhesive vinyl..
The range of COACH SIGNS on self-adhesive vinyl,and the growing range of STEAM & DIESEL locomotive signs and DMU signs,are proving very popular with Heritage Railways and loco and coach renovation specialists, especially if they don't have a resident signwriter. Vinyl signs offer a simpler fixing option than transfers.
Our aim is to reproduce as accurately as possible all the products in the range, whether they be full size or miniatures, and to this end great pains are taken to ensure the correct style and weight of the lettering and accurate rendition of the colours used.
Our totems and targets are suitable for use indoors or out and over 750 different names have ben produced, including many in mutiple quantites for Heritage Railways to use on their stations. They have also been used in television productions including Peak Practice.
We will undertake the manufacture of almost all transport-related signs, whether they are small instrument labels or full size station running in boards,
Photographs of some of the signs already produced is shown in the Gallery of Totems.( Click here ) The colours depicted in this publication are as close as the display and printing reproductions will allow
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